Achieving intended results within a team or organisation is one of the hardest concepts to repeatedly attain. Some organisations are better than others, but none are perfect. Millions are spent annually on consultants, educational modules, and on HR induced programs.
But what is often overlooked and misunderstood is how to define a common purpose, develop and harness the power of alignment of interests amongst individuals and implement a repeatable ability to blend the different temperaments, talents, or convictions of groups of people into unified productive force and measured outcomes.
We all observe the rarity when a troop of actors or musicians produce a stunning performance, or a group of athletes seamlessly jell and achieve extraordinary success. Himera Development builds on the principles of breakthrough into group and teaming concepts to achieve such results.
An important outcome of a breakthrough day is that people understand themselves and others better. Improved working relationships and better collaboration leads to better results. If your organisation is already within an organised process or utilises a given methodology for planning and development, a breakthrough day will accelerate your progress on that journey.
A breakthrough day should pay for itself many times over within 12 months of the event. Some fast-moving clients run these events quarterly, but you have to have the implementation capability to make this worthwhile.
The purpose of the Team Breakthrough Day is to:
- Create clear alignment between the members of the team and the task at hand or objectives of their organisation
- Develop a deep sense of ownership in that team
- Evaluative capabilities and dependencies amongst the individuals
- Achieve intended measurable results
The day is designed into four distinct 90-minute sessions
Opening the minds of people to different ways of thinking
Unique, specific profiling tools used to understand self and others
Creative process that generates heart-felt, often entirely unexpected ideas for achieving the objective
Crafting the actionable plans and putting them into implementation
The purpose of the Director’s Breakthrough Day is to:
- Create alignment between your life goals, your business goals and your business’ direction
- Identify what is really important to you.
= Work out what you must do to realise where you want your business to be
The day is designed into four distinct 90-minute sessions
You and your personal goals
Obstacles and opportunities, both in the business and in its markets
How to harness the business potential
How to improve probability of successful outcomes
You will understand how your business is the means to the end that you want and putt in motion the activities to measurably achieve it.
Price of Breakthrough Day [£k] (+VAT for UK-based clients) per person.